As a newbie here on blogger, I would like to post a short story that I made to serve as a prelude for my blog. Writing has been my passion and I want to use it for a divine purpose, which is to inspire and uplift other people. This piece that I'm going to post is all about abortion, one of the major issues prevalent nowadays and is often linked to teenage pregnancies and premarital sex. Hope that it will awaken some minds and verify the reality that what goes around, comes around and in every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction......the thing called 'karma'..
"Lightning Strikes!"
"I'm two months pregnant.",Mutya uttered candidly.
It was one stormy night. The eerie sound of thunder reached its crescendo as heavy rains poured out relentlessly from the raging heaven. Lightning sundered the horizon as it intermittently illuminated the black, gloomy night in the city, disclosing every concealed activity made in the dark. The bright light was inevitable that any effort to escape from it was futile.
The clamor from the storm overshadowed Mutya's soft voice, so Sarah, who's preparing her own bed, didn't get the exact message.
"You are what?", Sarah turned to her friend with an inquisitive face.
"I just said I'm two months pregnant. I called Robert about this, but he refused to take responsibility and never called again. What am I going to do?",Mutya asked, bursting in tears.
Sarah was momentarily aghast, but knowing she herself had been in the same situation, she sat beside Mutya and consoled her bestfriend. "Okay.I know exactly how you feel. Don't worry, you'll be fine,I tell you. Forget about that sucker!He'll burn in hell." Sarah enbraced her friend to overwhelm her with the warmth of genuine friendship that cold evening.
"How about my father?He would kill me the moment he learn about this. My future is ruined!I'm doomed!", sobbed Mutya, clinging to her friend who have been her source of solace for almost two years.
"You'll never be!Nobody will know about this. Tomorrow after the exams, I'll tell you what to do. For now, just stay calm. We have exams tomorrow so let's sleep. Just be responsible next time...Do you promise?"
"Yes, I promise." Sarah wiped Mutya's tears away and gave her a final embrace. But Mutya was ambivalent towards the assurance Sarah gave to her. "How could I get rid of this without risking something?", she asked herself. But her trust to Sarah surpassed her emotional maelstrom and just make-believed that things will be alright, as Sarah has promised. So Mutya slept her worries away, guileless about the terrible ordeal her friend had been through that drove her to make that kind of assurance.
Mutya grew up in a well-to-do family in Bulacan. She's the only daughter of Dr. Ronaldo Romualdez and his late wife. She shares with his father the same passion in health sciences that she decided to follow his footsteps. "To be a doctor is to give life and hope to other people...", she remember her father said. She, however, never had an opportunity to visit her father in the hospital or clinic where he's practicing because her father won't allow her to. But the image of his father as a 'respected physician' with an amazing sense of pathos remained steadfast.
She then took a pre-med course in U.P. Manila, where she met Sarah, her boardmate and later became her friend.
"Think before you leap", was Sarah's initial response when Mutya disclosed to her that she's having an affair with Robert.
"I know but I'm in a quandary right now. I love him so much", said Mutya, intoxicated with infatuation....never minding the consequences of her actions. There was a lapse of judgment.
It's been a couple of months now, but the fear of alienation from her father still crippling Mutya's soul. However, the assurance made by Sarah was promising, she thought. They converged at the park after the exams at about 2:30 pm.
"Abortion?Are you serious?", asked Mutya, quite shocked. A tremulous sensation crawled all over her body upon hearing Sarah's suggestion.
"Yes", replied Sarah with conviction. "That's what I did when I was in the same situation as you are right now. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you."
"What?How did it happen?"
"I was pregnant that time, and fearing it would ruin my future and my family's reputation, I took the risk and did the thing.", answered Sarah without any hesitations.
"But why?"
"Because I had no choice. There was no sensible options available for me to choose from. And in your case, what would you choose---your future or your principles?"
Mutya couldn't believe that Sarah, who as far as she knows, is a friend of reasonable judgment, is now provoking her to do an illicit solution to her ordeal.
"But Sarah was right. I have no choice",she said to herself, brooding on what step to make.
"So what's your decision?", Sarah asked, hoping she did an effective persuasion.
"Alright, I'll take it", Mutya said with finality. "But who will do it?"
"We're going to Malate. Dr. Abo has a clinic there, but be sure you have enough bucks to pay the service."
"I have some here, which I'm suppose to pay for my tuition fee. I'll just tell my father that I lost it. By the way, who's Dr. Abo?"
"One of my acquaintances introduced him to me. I don't know the real name but 'Abo' is short for 'abortionist'. Don't worry, you'll be safe with him."
Mutya suddenly thought how contemptuous for a professional to do such thing, but she hates herself more for complying to kill her own flesh and blood.
It's raining hard when they arrived at the clinic. The building, though, resembles an apartment more than a clinic because there's no hint to call it a 'clinic'.
"Just sit and wait for a minute", said a woman in her late thirties, clad in a white laboratory gown.
No words could describe how Mutya feels that moment. The stormy weather outside augmented the fear she had towards the situation she was into. She hoped that it would be done the fastest way possible so she could get over it and move on with her life.
"Dr. Abo's ready to see both of you.", said the woman, who came out of the door after a minute. The two rose from the sofa and slowly made their way to the room. Mutya was as cold as a frozen corpse as she tried to move her seemingly uncooperative feet, but she's too overwhelmed by the paralyzing spirit of guilt.
"Come on, Mutya", said Sarah, who saw how nervous her friend is.
"Please go and talk to him first.", begged Mutya, with a shaking voice. Sarah agreed and entered the room. After about 5 minutes, Sarah opened the door and told Mutya that the doctor wants to talk to her about the procedure. Mutya summoned all her strength and started to walk inside. As she made her way to the room, she saw the astonishing sight of Dr. Abo. She was appalled and couldn't believe what she's seeing, wishing it was all just a dream. Dr. Abo was equally dumbstrucked upon seeing her patient. Then, a moment of deafening silence came across the whole room.
Meanwhile, the storm was still raging outside. The thunder's roar came to its climax as the rain poured down relentlessly from the heaven. The lightning's illumination uncovered everything concealed in the dark, and its something that no one could ever escape,never and never will be.
It was one stormy night. The eerie sound of thunder reached its crescendo as heavy rains poured out relentlessly from the raging heaven. Lightning sundered the horizon as it intermittently illuminated the black, gloomy night in the city, disclosing every concealed activity made in the dark. The bright light was inevitable that any effort to escape from it was futile.
The clamor from the storm overshadowed Mutya's soft voice, so Sarah, who's preparing her own bed, didn't get the exact message.
"You are what?", Sarah turned to her friend with an inquisitive face.
"I just said I'm two months pregnant. I called Robert about this, but he refused to take responsibility and never called again. What am I going to do?",Mutya asked, bursting in tears.
Sarah was momentarily aghast, but knowing she herself had been in the same situation, she sat beside Mutya and consoled her bestfriend. "Okay.I know exactly how you feel. Don't worry, you'll be fine,I tell you. Forget about that sucker!He'll burn in hell." Sarah enbraced her friend to overwhelm her with the warmth of genuine friendship that cold evening.
"How about my father?He would kill me the moment he learn about this. My future is ruined!I'm doomed!", sobbed Mutya, clinging to her friend who have been her source of solace for almost two years.
"You'll never be!Nobody will know about this. Tomorrow after the exams, I'll tell you what to do. For now, just stay calm. We have exams tomorrow so let's sleep. Just be responsible next time...Do you promise?"
"Yes, I promise." Sarah wiped Mutya's tears away and gave her a final embrace. But Mutya was ambivalent towards the assurance Sarah gave to her. "How could I get rid of this without risking something?", she asked herself. But her trust to Sarah surpassed her emotional maelstrom and just make-believed that things will be alright, as Sarah has promised. So Mutya slept her worries away, guileless about the terrible ordeal her friend had been through that drove her to make that kind of assurance.
Mutya grew up in a well-to-do family in Bulacan. She's the only daughter of Dr. Ronaldo Romualdez and his late wife. She shares with his father the same passion in health sciences that she decided to follow his footsteps. "To be a doctor is to give life and hope to other people...", she remember her father said. She, however, never had an opportunity to visit her father in the hospital or clinic where he's practicing because her father won't allow her to. But the image of his father as a 'respected physician' with an amazing sense of pathos remained steadfast.
She then took a pre-med course in U.P. Manila, where she met Sarah, her boardmate and later became her friend.
"Think before you leap", was Sarah's initial response when Mutya disclosed to her that she's having an affair with Robert.
"I know but I'm in a quandary right now. I love him so much", said Mutya, intoxicated with infatuation....never minding the consequences of her actions. There was a lapse of judgment.
It's been a couple of months now, but the fear of alienation from her father still crippling Mutya's soul. However, the assurance made by Sarah was promising, she thought. They converged at the park after the exams at about 2:30 pm.
"Abortion?Are you serious?", asked Mutya, quite shocked. A tremulous sensation crawled all over her body upon hearing Sarah's suggestion.
"Yes", replied Sarah with conviction. "That's what I did when I was in the same situation as you are right now. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you."
"What?How did it happen?"
"I was pregnant that time, and fearing it would ruin my future and my family's reputation, I took the risk and did the thing.", answered Sarah without any hesitations.
"But why?"
"Because I had no choice. There was no sensible options available for me to choose from. And in your case, what would you choose---your future or your principles?"
Mutya couldn't believe that Sarah, who as far as she knows, is a friend of reasonable judgment, is now provoking her to do an illicit solution to her ordeal.
"But Sarah was right. I have no choice",she said to herself, brooding on what step to make.
"So what's your decision?", Sarah asked, hoping she did an effective persuasion.
"Alright, I'll take it", Mutya said with finality. "But who will do it?"
"We're going to Malate. Dr. Abo has a clinic there, but be sure you have enough bucks to pay the service."
"I have some here, which I'm suppose to pay for my tuition fee. I'll just tell my father that I lost it. By the way, who's Dr. Abo?"
"One of my acquaintances introduced him to me. I don't know the real name but 'Abo' is short for 'abortionist'. Don't worry, you'll be safe with him."
Mutya suddenly thought how contemptuous for a professional to do such thing, but she hates herself more for complying to kill her own flesh and blood.
It's raining hard when they arrived at the clinic. The building, though, resembles an apartment more than a clinic because there's no hint to call it a 'clinic'.
"Just sit and wait for a minute", said a woman in her late thirties, clad in a white laboratory gown.
No words could describe how Mutya feels that moment. The stormy weather outside augmented the fear she had towards the situation she was into. She hoped that it would be done the fastest way possible so she could get over it and move on with her life.
"Dr. Abo's ready to see both of you.", said the woman, who came out of the door after a minute. The two rose from the sofa and slowly made their way to the room. Mutya was as cold as a frozen corpse as she tried to move her seemingly uncooperative feet, but she's too overwhelmed by the paralyzing spirit of guilt.
"Come on, Mutya", said Sarah, who saw how nervous her friend is.
"Please go and talk to him first.", begged Mutya, with a shaking voice. Sarah agreed and entered the room. After about 5 minutes, Sarah opened the door and told Mutya that the doctor wants to talk to her about the procedure. Mutya summoned all her strength and started to walk inside. As she made her way to the room, she saw the astonishing sight of Dr. Abo. She was appalled and couldn't believe what she's seeing, wishing it was all just a dream. Dr. Abo was equally dumbstrucked upon seeing her patient. Then, a moment of deafening silence came across the whole room.
Meanwhile, the storm was still raging outside. The thunder's roar came to its climax as the rain poured down relentlessly from the heaven. The lightning's illumination uncovered everything concealed in the dark, and its something that no one could ever escape,never and never will be.